Wraparound Care
The Hive Wraparound Care at Holy Trinity School
The Hive Wraparound Care provision was set up in September 2019, and exists to provide high quality out of hours childcare for our parents. We aim to provide a safe, fun and stimulating environment in which all children thrive. We offer a combination of planned play activities and free flow supervised play and understand the importance of consulting children on their preference of activities. We follow the principles of play and acknowledge that play is fundamental to the healthy development and well-being of children. We encourage the children to follow their own instincts, ideas and interests and adopt an intervention style that enables children to extend their play. We foster an atmosphere based on mutual respect.
Our Manager, Mrs Nicola Phelan hold the relevant level 3 qualifications, paediatric first aid certificates and a level 2 food hygiene qualification. All staff undergo statutory safeguarding training.
Both clubs are open to all children from reception to Year 6.
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club runs every morning from 7.30 till 8.45. The cost per session is £6.00 per child, which includes a healthy breakfast comprising of a variety of cereals, toast and fruit juice. You may drop your child off anytime between 7.30 and 8.30am. However, please arrive before 8.15 if your child requires breakfast.
After School Club
The After School Club runs from the end of the school day until 6pm. It is split into two sessions:
Session 1 runs until 4.30pm and includes a drink and a snack. The cost of this session is £7.00 per child.
Session 2 runs from 4.30pm until 6pm. This includes a drink and a light meal. The cost of this session is £8.25 per child.
Our snacks include a piece of fruit and/or a biscuit. Our light meals include a wrap or a sandwich (fillings: tuna, cheese, ham or marmite) and one other meal option per day. This may be hot pasta with tomato sauce, Jacket potatoes, beans/spaghetti on toast, crumpets, bagels or soup and bread.
A sibling discount of 10% will apply for second and subsequent children. A staff discount of 20% will apply for children of any member of staff. We always aim to keep our prices competitive and our prices ensure we cover the costs of equipment, facilities and staffing.
Bookings for these clubs can be made by contacting; wraparoundcare@htp.tamat.org.uk. We very much look forward to welcoming your child/children to The Hive and working in partnership with you.