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Remote Learning

The Coronavirus pandemic has made us all have to think differently about how we go about our lives and reconsider what in the past we would take for granted. Back in March 2020, Holy Trinity CE Primary School was quick to introduce a way to support children from home using the SeeSaw learning platform, which would enable all children to have easy access to their own learning space where teachers, parents and pupils could interact.

 We recognise that due to Covid-19 there may be times when children are required to stay at home, this could be due to one of the following:

  • the household having to isolate
  • their school bubble having to isolate
  • a local lockdown
  • a full national lockdown

Our aim is to ensure that children who are unable to be in school still have access to high quality learning that reflects what the children are learning in school. This blended learning approach should enable children to move between home and school learning successfully.

Provision for Individuals who are isolating

For individual pupils in quarantine: within 48 hours class teachers will send daily English and Maths tasks to individuals on Seesaw as well as referring pupils to topic grids for topic work which children could delve into at their own pace. We will provide Spellings and Reading. We will also expect children to use Education City activities. Teachers will give daily feedback. Whilst waiting for tasks to be set there is a Covid tab on the school website where you will find links to websites that will provide home learning opportunities for your child/ren.

Provision when whole class or school has to lockdown

In the event of lockdown or the quarantine of a year group or class bubble, the impacted teachers would move their class learning online to SeeSaw – it is therefore vitally important that parents and pupils are familiar with it and are using it regularly for homework already.

We believe SeeSaw provides effective and easy access to deliver interactive learning, allowing feedback and some sense of independence. We want to provide access to the whole curriculum, by adapting what we would normally do in class to an online provision. Core subjects will be delivered daily: bespoke Maths learning supported via online resources such as White Rose and English complemented by web resources such as The Oak National Academy. The wider curriculum will be delivered by adapting our current planning and making use of online resources and what is readily available. We believe it is important to support our children’s physical and emotional well-being with PE challenges via websites such as Jump Start Johnny and Joe Wickes alongside regular virtual contact with the children and staff via videos and voiced over Powerpoints which will provide important connection and a sense of belonging. We will also use a mental health check-in at least once a week for pupils, to provide instant feedback for teachers about how they are feeling – which could be followed up with a message or a phone call.

SeeSaw enables teachers to provide learning at different levels for all abilities with signposting to additional support or challenge. The feedback received from parents via our questionnaire over the summer was overwhelmingly positive and confirmed we had served families well during lockdown. There were some comments from both extremes that there was either too much or not enough learning at times, but generally the majority felt SeeSaw was an effective way to support learning.

Holy Trinity teachers will not deliver ‘live’ lessons as we feel access to learning for both staff and children needs some flexibility – depending on circumstances and access to technology. Feedback told us that children and parents felt having an opportunity to connect via ZOOM was really appreciated and we will therefore make sure there is a weekly opportunity for children to join a small class ZOOM group to support children’s emotional well-being, support learning and to feel connected. This will only be made available in the event that a class or school lockdown occurs.

We do not have access to devices/internet – what do we do?

In order to help us with our home learning approach we asked families to complete a survey to help us gain a wider understanding of the internet access, device capacity and your family circumstances. It will enable us to support families the most effectively we can. This means we may be able to supply families with a device from the DfE and / or provide paper copies of work. The information will be held by us as a school and not passed on to any third parties.

To enable teaching and learning to continue as effectively as possible during the need for remote learning when a bubble or whole school is in lockdown:

Key expectations and overarching principles:

  • We will make daily contact with students via SeeSaw. This could be in the form of a typed message or a short, pre-recorded video or voiced-over Powerpoint.
  • We will expect students to complete all work set to the best of their ability – home learning is not optional.
  • We will not use live lessons but provide frequent and clear explanations of new content using high quality resources and pre-recorded videos.
  • We will respond to learning daily.
  • We will monitor the school answer phone to ensure families are called and any issues are followed up.
  • We will monitor the engagement of pupils learning.
  • We will continue to contact any families who receive additional support from the school.
  • We will communicate regularly with families through school Twitter and website pages and HTSA Facebook page, newsletters and phone calls.

Our staff will:

  • Provide a weekly timetable for pupils
  • Provide daily learning activities and tasks will be shared on SeeSaw sent directly to the child’s inbox
  • Provide daily feedback to pupils whilst they are working at home, during school working hours
  • Provide at least 3 assemblies per week via re-recorded videos to connect the whole school together
  • Contact and talk to pupils in groups at least once a week via ZOOM or via telephone if no ZOOM technology available
  • Contact parents via Parentmail if their child is not completing their schoolwork or their standard of work has noticeably decreased
  • Monitor the academic progress of pupils with and without access to the online learning resources and arrange strategies for support accordingly.

Our pupils/students will be expected to:

  • Ensure all logins and passwords (Seesaw, Purplemash, Education City) are stored safely at home should they be needed in the event of a closure
  • Log on to SeeSaw each morning
  • Watch all of the learning videos/voiced-over Powerpoints, taking a full and active part in them
  • Complete the learning set by their teacher each day and upload their learning as requested by the teacher to the best of their ability – photograph/video
  • Watch their story time – some year groups set this daily
  • Take an active part in the PE lessons
  • Respond to teacher feedback daily where appropriate
  • Use online resources such as Purple Mash, Education City, Oxford Owl, BBC Bitesize and any other resources provided by the school
  • Submit their completed work according to the deadline set by the relevant member of staff, by uploading it on to SeeSaw
  • Pupils can complete work in exercise books/on paper, but will need to take clear photographs of it and upload into their SeeSaw work space.

Parents are responsible for:

  • Setting a clear routine with each child using the timetable and the daily learning set
  • Reading all communications that come out from the school to ensure they are fully aware and up to date with news.
  • Supporting their children to complete all of the learning set on time, to the best of their child’s ability
  • Ensuring children have the basic resources to support their learning such as stationery and paper
  • Liaising with school staff and seeking support on behalf of their child when needed, with class teacher via Parentmail and email
  • Ensuring courtesy and politeness to any member of staff within any communication
  • Providing access to the learning offered for their children
  • Supporting their children by uploading pictures of completed work for assessment and feedback
  • Continuing to listen to them read every day or sharing books together

How to access work

Your children’s learning will be on their Seesaw account by 9 am each day. If you need the code sent to you again please email:


Your child may also need access to:

Education City:  (your child will have a logon)

Purple Mash: (your child will have a logon)

White Rose Maths online:

Oak National Academy:

BBC Bitesize:

BBC newsround:


Oxford owl:

Vulnerable and Key Workers

We will aim to stay open for the children of key workers and the most vulnerable if we can and it is safe to do so. They will be accessing the remote learning set by their class teachers on iPads or PCs provided by the school.


Day to day communication with parents and children in relation to set activities will be via SeeSaw. Parents are asked to use email or Parentmail for broader questions or information sharing.

Whole school or year group specific newsletters and updates will be sent via Parentmail on a needs led basis.  Regular whole school updates will be sent from the school office to keep our school community informed and connected.