Tour of School
In-year school tours can be arranged for families whose children have been offered a place at Holy Trinity.
If you are considering applying for a reception place in September 2026, please check the website in September 2025 to see any available tour dates. Once dates are published, please email the School Office at, to book a place on one of our tours. Please include: the names of those attending, a contact telephone number, your child's name and DOB and their current nursery/pre-school if applicable.
At present, we are unable to offer places on these tours to other year groups.
Tour dates to be confirmed in September 2025
Our tours are limited to 10 people per group. Therefore, where possible, we ask that only adults attend as we are unable to accommodate pushchairs/buggies due to space. The tour will take approximately one hour and will be led by a member of our Senior Management Team.
The deadline for on-time primary applications for September 2026 will be in January 2026.
We are very fortunate to live in Surrey Heath with so many good schools available. We wish you well as you explore your options.
Virtual Parent Tour 2020
We realise what an important decision this is. We have put together a video tour and information presentation which we hope will help you decide whether Holy Trinity is the right school for you and your child. This is a tour we put together in 2020, as we were unable to offer a school tour during Covid. The school has changed slightly, but this will give you an insight into the grounds and facilities we have to offer.
Information for New Parents
Mr Hills provides information about joining Holy Trinity CofE Primary school which should be watched in conjunction with the video tour of the school.
If you would like more information, specifically about Reception and starting school, please refer to the links below. The first link is a tour of the school with more emphasis on Early Years. The second video is a link to our Reception Induction meeting for parents who have been offered a place.
Holy Trinity CofE Primary School - Early Years Tour - Covid 19
EYFS Induction Evening