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Guildford Diocese and Holy Trinity School

Our school sits in the parish of Bisley and West End Church, (see link) led by Reverend Fiona Simon. The school and church have strong links, which we are continuing to build on. Members of Holy Trinity and Bisley Schools joined together for the Parish Crib service on Christmas Eve. Reverend Fiona visits the school each half term, and also takes each class for a Godly play class worship session throughout the year. The children visit the church throughout the year as part of their RE curriculum, and also for collective worship times. We have a foundation governor who is appointed by the church authorities. Their role is to have an especial care for the school’s Christian character and vision.

Welcome from Reverend Fiona

Welcome to Holy Trinity School from Holy Trinity Church. Once upon a time the school was located almost next to the church (hence the name). Now it is a little further down Benner Lane but I’m happy to say our links between church and school are still very strong. I am Fiona, the Vicar of the church, and ever since arriving in November 2020 I’ve had a feeling of belonging here – the church feels like it is a part of HT school and we love welcoming the families from HT into our church family too. Many of the children at the school have been Baptised in the church, attend our monthly Messy church and/or the monthly AWE service with their families. A group from the church do a weekly open the book assembly, acting out stories from the Bible with the help of the children. I visit the school twice a month to lead collective and class worship and it's a real privilege to get o know the children in this way.   If you would like to find out more details about the church and its activities, go to the website
