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Staff List


Senior Leadership Team

Mrs E Ambrose Headteacher / DDSL
Ms S Guest Deputy Headteacher / DDSL
Miss C Byng TAMAT Safeguarding Lead / DDSL and KS1 SENCo
Mrs C Taylor TAMAT & Holy Trinity Inclusion Lead / DSL and KS2 SENCo

SLT Key Stage Phase Leaders

Mrs S Gurden and Mrs L Hutchison

Mrs D Caunce

Mr T Davis

Mrs S Patey

EYFS Phase Leaders

Key Stage 1 Phase Leader

Lower Key Stage 2 Phase Leader

Upper Key Stage 2 Phase Leader

Teaching Staff

Mrs D Brabon Year 6 (Monday to Thursday and every other Friday), English Lead
Mrs S Patey Year 6 (Monday to Thursday), Year 5-6 Leader and Key Stage 2 Maths Lead
Mrs S Ross Year 6 (Friday in 6P)
Miss M Watts Year 6 (every other Friday in 6B)
Mrs L Everett Year 5 and PE and OPAL Play Lead
Mrs S Miller Year 5 and Geography Lead
Mr T Davies Year 4, Year 3-4 Leader and Computing Lead 
Mrs M Gibbs Year 4 (Tuesday to Friday) and History Lead
Miss G Taylor Year 4 (Monday in 4GT)
Mrs N Aplin Year 3 (Monday to Wednesday AM)
Mrs S Dimmock Year 3 and French Lead
Mrs C Hunter Year 3 (Wednesday PM to Friday) and Art Lead
Mrs L Higgins Year 2 (Wednesday PM to Friday) and Science and Outdoor Learning Lead
Mrs H Murphy Year 2 (Monday to Wednesday AM) and DT Lead
Miss R Poulton Year 2 (Monday, Tuesday AM, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday AM) and English Lead 
Mrs V Wasserberg Year 2 (Tuesday PM in 2P)
Mrs D Caunce Year 1, Key Stage 1 Leader and PSHE and RSE Lead
Mrs L Pegg Year 1 (Monday to Wednesday and Friday)
Mrs J Blows Year 1 (Thursday)
Mrs N Newington EYFS (Friday AM), Key Stage 2 Forest School (Friday PM)
Miss S Buckmaster Early Years
Mrs S Gurden Early Years (alternating Wednesday PM, Thursday and Friday) and EYFS Leader
Mrs L Hutchison Early Years (Monday, Tuesday AM and alternating Wednesday PM) and EYFS Leader
Mrs L Hardiman Music and RE Lead
Mrs M Herring PPA Cover
Miss A McLachlan On maternity leave

Office & Site

Ms S Esperanca School Business Partner
Mrs S Collins Senior School Administrator
Mrs H Lowndes Administrator
Mrs M Finch Administrator
Mr D Francis Site Supervisor

Support Staff

Miss B Aitken Learning Support Assistant and Midday Play Leader
Mrs S Arora Teaching Assistant (Year 3) and Learning Support Assistant
Mrs S Baird Hive Playworker and Learning Support Assistant
Mrs L Barnett Learning Support Assistant and ELSA Support
Miss E Bennett Teaching Assistant (Year 2) and Midday Play Leader
Miss C Blows Learning Support Assistant
Mrs J Blows Learning Support Assistant
Mrs S Blythin Learning Support Assistant and Midday Play Leader
Mrs H Bourne Teaching Assistant (Year 1) and Midday Play Leader 
Mrs V Brammall Learning Support Assistant 
Mrs J Brannigan Teaching Assistant (Year 5) 
Mrs R Chapman Teaching Assistant (Early Years) and Midday Play Leader
Ms V Cooper Learning Support Assistant
Miss M Daborn Hive Playworker and Midday Play Leader
Mr B Doyle Learning Support Assistant and Hive Playworker
Mrs J Gosden Hive Playworker and Midday Play Leader
Miss C Green Learning Support Assistant and Midday Play Leader
Mrs J Gulston Hive Playworker and Midday Play Leader
Mrs J Harvey Learning Support Assistant
Mrs M Hennessy Teaching Assistant (Year 1) and Midday Play Leader
Miss A Holdaway Learning Support Assistant (Wednesday to Friday)
Mr K Jones Learning Support Assistant, ELSA Support and Hive Playworker
Mrs D Lawrence Teaching Assistant (Year 2) and Midday Play Leader
Mrs V Leggett Learning Support Assistant
Miss S Levick Teaching Assistant (Early Years) and Hive Playworker
Mrs H Loveday Teaching Assistant (Year 4) 
Miss L Mortimer Learning Support Assistant
Mrs A Lowrie Teaching Assistant (Year 6) - Monday to Wednesday
Miss J Pearson Learning Support Assistant - on maternity leave
Miss S Pike Learning Support Assistant and Hive Playworker
Mr M Saunders Teaching Assistant (Early Years)
Mrs L Straver Teaching Assistant (Early Years) and Hive Playworker
Mrs P Thanvi Learning Support Assistant and Midday Supervisor
Miss D Welton Teaching Assistant and Midday Play Leader - on maternity leave
Mrs B Williams Learning Support Assistant 
Mabel School Therapy Dog
Misty School Therapy Dog

Wraparound Care

Mrs N Phelan The Hive Manager / DDSL
Mrs A Newman Hive Deputy Manager
Mrs S Baird Hive Playworker
Mrs M Daborn Hive Playworker
Mr B Doyle Hive Playworker
Mrs J Gulston Hive Playworker
Mr K Jones Hive Playworker
Miss S Levick Hive Playworker
Mrs L Straver Hive Playworker